贝斯一个. 梅金J.D.


J.D., University of Connecticut School of Law


贝丝叫法 spent her thirty-three-year career as a public defender in New Haven where she represented indigent persons who were accused of committing serious felony offenses. She has handled thousands of complex criminal matters at every stage of the court process where clients faced charges ranging from murder, 到性侵犯, 到严重的袭击, 抢劫和入室盗窃. She has tried many cases to verdict, including thirteen homicides.

Professor 叫法 has significant experience with investigative preparation, 辩诉交易的谈判, 运动实践, 量刑减轻, and the handling of post-conviction litigation. She developed particular interest in the areas of DNA and other forensic disciplines, 虐待儿童案件, mental health defenses and competency claims, 审问法, 还有青少年改判问题. Professor 叫法 has extensive experience interfacing with collateral agencies such as DCF, 医生, DMHAS, 缓刑, 假释, and other community-based mental health and substance-abuse providers. She was the supervising attorney for the New Haven Judicial District Public Defender’s Office for the last several years of her service.

Professor 叫法 was an active mentor and supervisor to many student interns during the entirety of her career, on both the undergraduate and law school levels. She frequently worked with the legal clinic at Yale Law School, and she directly supervised Liman Fellows who had been placed in the New Haven public defender’s office. She has been an adjunct professor at Gateway Community College for many years, where she taught various courses in the 刑事律政司. She also provided trainings on an ongoing basis to newly-hired public defenders, to hearing officers at the Department of 假释, 以及外管局法医护士. 从2021年到2022年, she served as the Interim Inspector General for the City of Hartford, where she investigated and reviewed citizen complaints of police misconduct. Professor 叫法 also holds an adjunct teaching position at the University of Connecticut School of Law, where she is a clinical fellow at its Criminal Defense Clinic.

  • CJST 2217刑事诉讼1
  • CJST 3399 Professional Practices in Criminal Justice
  • CJST 4501 Criminal Justice Internship
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