Caitlin Locke

Caitlin Locke Headshot
Director of Undergraduate Recruitment

Undergraduate Admissions
关于 Caitlin

I joined the University of New Haven 办公室 of Undergraduate Admissions in 2013 and currently serve as the Director of Undergraduate Recruitment. I work closely with our talented team of counselors to assist our prospective students and their families. In my time at the University, I have most recently been the counselor for prospective students and families from New Haven County and collaborated with faculty and staff of the Tagliatela College of Engineering as the College’s Enrollment Services Coordinator.

I graduated from the University of Connecticut in May 2010 with bachelor’s degrees in both journalism and sociology. While a student at UConn, I wrote for the news department of the University’s student-produced newspaper, The Daily Campus, and worked there as a copy writer, 也. After college, I worked as an editor for, a hyper-local, online community news outlet and was heavily involved with the launch of several of the sites.

Please feel free to reach out to me with any questions regarding the admissions process or the University of New Haven! I look forward to meeting you, and I hope to see you around campus soon!

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